#region 处理『服务器提交了协议冲突. Section=ResponseHeader Detail=CR 后面必须是 LF』
//需引用 using System.Reflection;
public static bool SetAllowUnsafeHeaderParsing()
//Get the assembly that contains the internal class
Assembly aNetAssembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(
if (aNetAssembly != null)
//Use the assembly in order to get the internal type for
// the internal class
Type aSettingsType = aNetAssembly.GetType(
if (aSettingsType != null)
//Use the internal static property to get an instance
// of the internal settings class. If the static instance
// isn't created allready the property will create it for us.
object anInstance = aSettingsType.InvokeMember("Section",
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.GetProperty
| BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, null, new object[] { });
if (anInstance != null)
//Locate the private bool field that tells the
// framework is unsafe header parsing should be
// allowed or not
FieldInfo aUseUnsafeHeaderParsing = aSettingsType.GetField(
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (aUseUnsafeHeaderParsing != null)
aUseUnsafeHeaderParsing.SetValue(anInstance, true);
return true;
return false;